We Encourage Organizations and Individuals to Instead Support and Show Up for the Pride Liberation Contingent on June 8th, 2024
On June 4, 2024, Liberate Boston Pride, Act Up Boston, Jewish Voice for Peace Boston, Trans Resistance MA and Lucy Parsons Center collectively called out Boston Pride for the People (BP4TP or P4TP) for collaborating with the Israeli Consulate, participating in pinkwashing for the last year, accepting sponsorships from corporations like Delta Airlines, State Street, and Fidelity, and coordinating with police for the parade and festival. We amplify their message, shared in a letter on the Liberate Boston Pride website,
Oppression informs abuse, and in all cases of oppression, humanity, agency, and access to a full sense of self are denied. Communities are prevented from living, surviving, thriving, and simply being and when they fight back in self-defense to gain or regain agency they are condemned, fired upon, and locked up. The Network/La Red (TNLR) interrupts people, systems, and narratives that perpetuate the myth of mutual responsibility for systemic cycles of abuse. We are against the militarized oppression of our communities worldwide, and we support the safety, dignity, and self-determination of all survivors in our communities, including LGBTQ+ Palestinian survivors in occupied Palestine and the diaspora.
For 35 years, TNLR has been committed to supporting survivors of partner abuse (domestic violence) and has utilized our anti-oppression framework to uplift the voices of survivors living at the intersections of the most marginalized identities in our society. This commitment is demonstrated in our participation in and sponsorship of various pride events, where many LGBTQ+ survivors are in attendance, seeking support around their experiences and their safety. This year, we sponsored 10 pride events, including Boston Pride for the People.
We recognize now that our sponsorship of BP4TP existed in contradiction to our commitment to anti-oppression, and it is imperative that moving forward, we continue to uplift the movements created and led by our own community members to uproot the interconnection of oppressive systems in our local communities. We appreciate the 56 organizations listed on demanding accountability to divest from Zionist, Pro-Israel and corporate sponsorship, and end collaboration with police, the Israeli consulate, and Zionist groups. There is no pride in genocide...
TNLR is supporting Liberate Boston Pride, Act Up Boston, Jewish Voice for Peace Boston, Trans Resistance MA and Lucy Parsons Center. Read their full letter at and sign on by sending a direct message to @liberatebostonpride4ever on Instagram. We will be joining the Pride Liberation Contingent and encourage all other individuals and organizations to boycott BP4TP and join us at 11:30am on June 8th, at the intersection of Berkeley St & Boylston St.
Domestic Violence Programs Respond to Death of Ryan C. Anderson
For Immediate Release
October 18, 2022
Contacts: The Network/La Red, Cristina Dones,, 617-695-0877
YWCA of Central MA, Tara Huard,
Jane Doe Inc., Toni Troop,, 617-212-7571
Boston, MA – About 1 in 4 LGBTQ+ people experience partner abuse in their lifetime, the same alarming rate as straight, cisgender people. The recent death of Ryan C. Anderson, 29 on October 1 in Millbury, MA, which appears to be a domestic violence related homicide involving an LGBTQ+ couple, has prompted The Network/La Red, the YWCA of Central MA, and Jane Doe Inc. to remind the public that services and support are available for LGBTQ+ communities...
...“We are saddened by this tragedy and offer our condolences to Ryan C. Anderson’s loved ones,” said Beth Leventhal, Executive Director of The Network/La Red, a survivor-led organization working to end partner abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer communities. “This highlights the importance of providing accessible survivor-led resources and services for LGBTQ+ survivors to let them know we support them and their safety.”
Stop Anti-AAPI Hate
The Network/La Red (TNLR) would like to acknowledge the deep pain and grief the shootings in Atlanta on March 16th have caused AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) individuals and communities. Our hearts are with the families and loved ones of the victims of this tragedy, AAPI survivors, and AAPI people.
While reports of what happened at Young’s Asian Massage, Gold Spa, and Aromatherapy Spa refuse to name the motive, it is infuriatingly obvious that AAPI communities were targeted and that a white man chose to take the lives of 8 innocent people, 6 of whom were Asian American women. This is an act of misogynist, racist, xenophobic, and white supremacist violence.* Lives were taken because they were AAPI women who were perceived to be sex workers.** AAPI women are hyper sexualized and fetishized, and that violence stems from the stigmatization and oppression of sex workers, the normalization of violence against women, and the history of American imperial wars in Asia.
Please inform yourself about the history of Anti-AAPI violence and how you can take action against it in support of AAPI lives.
Learn more with our Stop Anti-AAPI Hate Community Resources page.
Statement Re: Capitol Siege
It has been hard to find the words to express the danger and impact the events of January 6 have on our communities and this country. Nothing seems sufficient. It took us a while to gather our thoughts, but all of us at TNLR wanted to make some things abundantly clear:
Black Lives Matter
As an organization rooted in the experience of survivors who are queer and transgender people of color, The Network/La Red (TNLR) recognizes the insidious link between all forms of structural oppression to all tactics of partner abuse. For hundreds of years, our country has been built on the backs of Black, brown, and indigenous folks and is rooted deeply in white supremacy. At TNLR, we acknowledge the ways that oppressive structures condone and reward people who hold structural power (white, cisgender, straight, documented, able-bodied, etc.) to keep and maintain that power at the expense of marginalized people’s lives and humanity.

COVID-19 Statement
We remain here for survivors.
While there is much uncertainty right now due to COVID-19, what is certain is that TNLR is here for survivors. We are monitoring recommendations of the World Health Organization and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, and making decisions that are grounded in preserving the safety of survivors, staff, volunteers, and the community at large. With this in mind we have suspended our in-person services for the time being, but our hotline and other services remain open.